2008 m. lapkričio 3 d., pirmadienis

Analytical summary

The coursebook "Understanding psychology" is written by professor Robert Feldman.In the first three modules author writes main information about psychology.The first theme consists of three modules.

In the first module author writes about fields where psychologists can work.Robert Feldman mentions fields such as social,educational and business.Furthermore there are a lot of examples of problems on which psychologists focuse.

Second module consist of information about roots of psychology,first scientists who did a lot for this study.Author explain a variety of psychological perspectives such as neuroscience,psychodynamic,behevioural.

Third module is about most important issues and controversies in psychology and future vision of psychology.Robert Reldman writes about differences in views between subfields.There are explanations how particular subfield of psychology examine the problem,how this problem is being solved be exponents of that field.

Finally,in this three modules author writes about basics of psychology science,gives a lot of imaginative examples,so that reader can easily understand the subject.

1 komentaras:

ebaliutaviciute rašė...

This analytical summary is informative and very concrete. Now it's easy to understand the main idea of three modules :)