2008 m. lapkričio 5 d., trečiadienis

Psychology of kleptomania

We all have heard about such disease as kleptomania,but we have not think of reasons of this illness.People with kleptomania steal things undesignedly,they do not understand that they are stealing,it is mental disorder.Generally they steal things of little value,such as pens,toys.How to help those people?How serious illness kleptomania is?

Kleptomania is rare disease and more common in females than in males.This illness is often attendant by another psychiatric disorders such as depression,anxiety,eating disorders.This fact shows that it is serious problem and it must be healed,because it can lead to serious disorders like paranoid.

There are  different ways of treatment:  psychological therapy and medications.Psychological therapy aimed to deal with psychologigal problems,that may be a reason of kleptomania.Medication is not recommended treatment because it changes brains chemical structure and may cause serious disorders in the future.

It is important to remember that you can not accuse those people of stealing,because they do not understand that they are doing.We must take into account that it is serious disorder and professional psychological help is needed for kleptomaniacs.

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