2008 m. lapkričio 25 d., antradienis

Learning ESP

Learning ESP is almost the same as learning everyday english,there are few little differences.The best way to learn ESP is to read literature related with specific subject,this is good way to learn terms,if we want to learn speak briefly it is useful to speak with our collegues,classmates about specific subject.Another,quite easier way,is to watch movies related with specific subject.That is more we can find a lot of online english learning activities.As you can see there is big choice of ways how to learn english,choose the most appropriate for you!

2008 m. lapkričio 6 d., ketvirtadienis

Psychology of success

There are some people who are successful no matter what they do and there are people opposite to whose-forever unsuccessful.Why some people are working hard and are still unsuccessful while others are lucky no matter how hard they work and even they do not work at all?

There are plenty of books named “Psychology of success”,but is it useful?People will not magically became successful.Some people have such features like communicability,reliability and most of us trust them,such people are successful at work,in love and in all kind of thing they do.

As we can see “success” is a collection of features that are accepted by majority in society.People who work on communicational skills know how to behave in order to get that they want.

How to help people who are always unsuccessful?As it was written they have to work on they communicational skills and be more dare.Those people can gain a complex that they are worse than others,so the most important thing is to believe yourself then you do something.

2008 m. lapkričio 5 d., trečiadienis

Psychology of kleptomania

We all have heard about such disease as kleptomania,but we have not think of reasons of this illness.People with kleptomania steal things undesignedly,they do not understand that they are stealing,it is mental disorder.Generally they steal things of little value,such as pens,toys.How to help those people?How serious illness kleptomania is?

Kleptomania is rare disease and more common in females than in males.This illness is often attendant by another psychiatric disorders such as depression,anxiety,eating disorders.This fact shows that it is serious problem and it must be healed,because it can lead to serious disorders like paranoid.

There are  different ways of treatment:  psychological therapy and medications.Psychological therapy aimed to deal with psychologigal problems,that may be a reason of kleptomania.Medication is not recommended treatment because it changes brains chemical structure and may cause serious disorders in the future.

It is important to remember that you can not accuse those people of stealing,because they do not understand that they are doing.We must take into account that it is serious disorder and professional psychological help is needed for kleptomaniacs.

2008 m. lapkričio 3 d., pirmadienis

Analytical summary

The coursebook "Understanding psychology" is written by professor Robert Feldman.In the first three modules author writes main information about psychology.The first theme consists of three modules.

In the first module author writes about fields where psychologists can work.Robert Feldman mentions fields such as social,educational and business.Furthermore there are a lot of examples of problems on which psychologists focuse.

Second module consist of information about roots of psychology,first scientists who did a lot for this study.Author explain a variety of psychological perspectives such as neuroscience,psychodynamic,behevioural.

Third module is about most important issues and controversies in psychology and future vision of psychology.Robert Reldman writes about differences in views between subfields.There are explanations how particular subfield of psychology examine the problem,how this problem is being solved be exponents of that field.

Finally,in this three modules author writes about basics of psychology science,gives a lot of imaginative examples,so that reader can easily understand the subject.