2009 m. spalio 11 d., sekmadienis

"Your true colors" summary

According to article “Your True Colors” colors influence our emotions and behavioral patterns. Marketing world know this, and use colors to make sales of production or food consumption better.
There are differences in ways in which same colors affect people from different cultures. Article illustrates this trend with example, that French will eat grey tinned peas, but British will not.
According to John Ott color affect our nervous system, also have influence on our blood pressure, energy level, hunger. McDonald’s use colors to create atmosphere in which people feel hungry but also they feel like being in hurry so they do not stay in restaurant for very long.
Another experiment which proofs that colors affect people nervous system is example with housewives which said that powder in the yellow packet was judged to be more powerful than powder in blue packet.
Article informs about colors influence on people, gives examples of experiments which show how much colors may change people attitude to objects which surround them.